Chapter 4. EMBOSS User Tutorial

Table of Contents

4.1. How this Tutorial is Organised
4.1.1. wossname: a first EMBOSS Application
4.1.2. Exercise: wossname
4.2. Working with Sequences
4.2.1. Retrieving Sequences from Databases
4.2.2. Exercise: showdb
4.2.3. seqret
4.2.4. Exercise: seqret
4.2.5. Reading Sequences from Files
4.2.6. infoseq
4.2.7. Sequence Annotation
4.2.8. Using Multiple Sequences
4.2.9. Listfiles
4.3. Working with Alignments
4.3.1. Pairwise Sequence Alignment
4.3.2. Dotplots
4.3.3. Exercise: Making a Dotplot
4.3.4. Exercise: Examining Dotplot Parameters
4.3.5. Global Alignment
4.3.6. Exercise: needle
4.3.7. Local Alignment
4.3.8. Exercise: water
4.4. Protein Analysis
4.4.1. Identifying the ORF
4.4.2. Exercise: plotorf
4.4.3. Exercise: getorf
4.4.4. Translating the Sequence
4.4.5. Exercise: transeq
4.4.6. USA for Partial Sequences
4.5. Secondary Structure Prediction
4.5.1. pepinfo
4.5.2. Exercise: pepinfo
4.5.3. Predicting Transmembrane Regions
4.5.4. Exercise: tmap
4.6. Patterns, Profiles and Multiple Sequence Alignment
4.6.1. Pattern Matching
4.6.2. Exercise: patmatmotifs
4.6.3. Protein Fingerprints
4.6.4. Exercise: pscan
4.6.5. Multiple Sequence Analysis
4.6.6. Exercise: Retrieving a Set of Sequences
4.6.7. Exercise: emma
4.6.8. Exercise: prettyplot
4.6.9. Profiles
4.6.10. Exercise: prophecy
4.6.11. Exercise: prophet
4.7. Report Formats
4.8. Conclusions
4.8.1. Exercise: tfm