
BOSC 2007 Schedule

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  Thursday July 19th Friday July 20th
8:45am Call To Order Call To Order
9:00am Keynote Speaker: Carole Goble [OS Software] Jan Taubert: The ONDEX Data Integration Framework
9:20am   [OS Software] Subhashree Madhavan: CGEMS: An Open-Source caIntegrator Application to support Whole Genome Association Studies
9:40am   [OS Software] Eric Just: Modware: An Object-Oriented Perl Interface to the Chado Schema
10:00 [New Technology] James Taylor: The Galaxy Framework for Computational Biology Tool Integration [OS Software] Ian Holmes: XRATE: Scheme-y trees, phylo-HMMs and phylo-grammars
10:20 [New Technology] Mitch Skinner: AJAX GBrowse: Community Genome Annotation Made Easy [OS Software] Kazuharu Arakawa: E-Cell 3D: 3-Dimensional Visualization Front-End for E-Cell Simulation Environment
10:30am Coffee Coffee
11:00am [New Technology] Rafael C. Jimenez: Dasty2: A Web Client for Visualizing Protein Sequence Features [OS Software] Kam Dahlquist: XMLPipeDB: A Reusable, Open Source Tool Chain for Building Relational Databases from XML Sources
11:20am [New Technology] Taavi Hupponen: EMBRACE Web Services [Software Design And Engineering] Kam Dahlquist: An Open Source Framework for Teaching Bioinformatics
11:40 [New Technology] Krishnakant Shanbhag: CaGrid Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid [Software Design And Engineering] James Taylor: Tools to Facilitate Large Scale Comparative Genomic Analysis
12:00 Lunch Lunch
1:30pm Martin Senger: BioMoby Project Update [Lightning Talk] Eric Jain: beta.uniprot.org -- Another Piece of Life Sciences Infrastructure Built on Open Source Software
1:45pm Tom Oinn: MyGrid/Taverna Project Update [Lightning Talk] Toshiaki Katayama -- Introduction of the Japanese Open Bio* community
2:00pm Richard Holland: BioJava Project Update [Lightning Talk] Kazuharu Arakawa -- G-Language Project
2:15pm Arek Kasprzyk: BioMart Project Update [Lightning Talk] Carol Lushbough: BioStream: An Extensible Database Tool for Biologists
2:30pm Peter Cock: BioPython Project Update [Lightning Talk] Goran Sandberg: Mitrion-C Accellerated NCBI Blast Application
2:45 Toshiaki Katayama: BioRuby Project Update Interactive Wifi Workshops
3:00pm BioPerl Project Update Interactive Wifi Workshops
3:15pm Peter Rice: EMBOSS Project Update Interactive Wifi Workshops
3:30pm Coffee Coffee
4:00pm Discuss the Creation of an OBF Distribution CD Interactive Wifi Workshops
5:00pm Interactive Wifi Workshops Interactive Wifi Workshops

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